20152015 Spider Awards
I’ve always had an affinity for black and white imagery. My first photographs were made on a Pentax K1000 and developed in the primary (elementary) school dark room. I shot exclusively in Black and white for the first 10 years I held a camera.
It developed a mindset that focuses your attention to light, form, material and tonal graduation. Things I believe are fundamental to the crafting of successful Architectural photographs.
This year I entered two photographs in the 10th Annual Black and White Spider awards, in the Silhouette and Architecture professional categories. Both were nominated to the final round.
Congratulations to the winners, it must have been hard for the judges as there was a vast collection of wonderful entries that spanning a broad range of subjects and styles.
Differing images of differing subjects but with similar stories – the are two of my favorites of the last couple of years. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Both Architects Tadao Ando and Dream The Combine are expressive in their own ways, whilst both being inherently interested the fabric of their work and how this fosters an atmosphere of interaction with the users.

Time of Day? / The Chichu Art Museum-Tadao Ando

Silver silhouette / Dream The Combine – Make it Rain