“I’ve always been interested in how the process of making architecture is intertwined with the future of our cities, their societies, and economies,”

A 5 year project, this film covers the making of an Architect design house in Vancouver, Canada.

It speaks to the energy, tension, and liminal moments of construction in juxtaposition to the stillness and sublime moments of the completed spaces.  It asks you the viewer to contemplate the space you’re currently sitting in and the human endeavor it took to create it.

The film premiered at the Time Space Existence Exhibition at Palazzo Mora at the 2018 Venice Biennale.
Hosted by the European Cultural Centre.


Thanks to all the design team and craftspeople for welcoming us into their space and place of work.
Measured Architecture  /  Powers Construction  /  Aloe Designs  /  Cloth Studio  /  Dear Human     Epic Metalworks  /    Fast + Epp  /  Nico Spacecraft



Direction:  Andrew Latreille
Timelapse Footage:  Andrew Latreille
Video Footage:  Andrew Latreille
Video Edit and Grading:  Jevan Crittenden
Music:  Nate Konyi
